Seafood Market News

Binh Dinh Province: The Price Of Yellowfin Tuna Goes Up

Thứ năm,27/12/2018

Source: Binh Dinh Online
Tuesday, December 25, 2018, 09:39 (GMT+7)
English version: by Trang Thuy Seafood Co., Ltd

At the Tam Quan fishing port, Tam Quan Bac Commune, Hoai Nhon District, yellowfin tuna is being purchased by processing enterprises and agents at around 127,000 VND/ kg (equivalent to 5.46 USD/ kg) increased by 5,000 VND/ kg compared to the price in early December, 2018 and increased by 20% compared to the price of the same period last year. According to Mr. Dao Duy Menh from Tam Quan Bac commune – the owner of the fishing boat numbered BĐ 95433 – TS, each boat makes a catch of approximately 2 tons of tuna on average. At the current purchase price, after deducting all the operation costs and expenses, each working fisherman receives about 6 million VND while an boat owner makes between 40 to 50 million VND.

Fishermen from Tam Quan Bac Commune, Hoai Nhon District are landing yellowfin tuna to sell to enterprises. Photo: By T.SỸ

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